Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is a very important day in the life of a student at Madisonville Intermediate


Kids line up to run a mile for a turkey.( I'll just stand in line thank you very much)

Now Clayton had no illusions of grandeur for the race. He told me that morning that I should

just prepare myself to buy our Thanksgiving Turkey. You see we are not big runners

in my family. We are more hikers than runners. We love to walk and hike, we just don't care how long it takes us to get to our destination.
But Clayton did give a great effort as did all the students.

Carson got out of school to watch brother run. He decided that running for a bird was stupid.
He has such wisdom!!!!


Lacy said...

Run Forrest Run! I mean Clayton! You are so funny Fraley's! Carson...my kids would think the same thing about running for a turkey!!! Cute pics!

Jill said...

I am with you--I will stand in line. If I need someone to run for a turkey, I will be checkin with Lacy or Hillary!!

Sada said...

Clayton -- angel!! Who cares if you are a runner or not!! xoxoxo

Carrie said...

Alice ~ Hope all is going well with that 20 pnd. bird! Happy Thanksgiving!