Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yep, those little suckers can burn ya!!

I know this is pretty gross, but yes, I have second degree burns on four of my fingers, from a pop-tart (brown sugar flavor).
So, the little-ity, bitty warning label on the side is correct.. these little suckers can burn ya if your toaster is 18 years old and your settings no longer works and you can feed a family of four with the crust in the bottom tray.
I am trying to come up with another reason on how I burned my little fingers. If you have another story that I can tell people, post them, because I am tired of getting the..are you kidding me, a pop-tart, girl what did you do, light it on fire? look.
Or this.. did you burn it on the icing or the filling? ....
Help and sympathy are needed, because i am tired of the laughter!!!!!!!!!


Funky Junk Designs said...

Oh Alice! You are getting no laughter from me, i know how you feel. In January I got a pot roast out of the oven and spilled it down my hand and arm-yowza! My skin immediately fell off and Danny said I screamed the most horrible scream. Anyway, I think that burn was worse then a c-section by far. Each day we had to have it cleaned and more skin taken off-sorry tmi but for real burns are terrible. I still have scars! I hope your burns get better, that is awful and an awful place to be burned! If you need sympathy I have it for you sista!!!

Funky Junk Designs said...

Ok, funky junk designs is me Karen! I don't know why my comments are posting under that blog instead of the fam's blog!

Lacy said...

I tried to comment to you yesterday and couldnt, but I wont feel anything else but sypathy also. It killed me to look at it and I am so sorry that your in so much pain. I hope today was better. I love you.

Maggie said...

Oh my gosh, you poor thing!!! I can't even begin to imagine how badly that must feel!!! =( I hope it heals fast!!

Sada said...

I feel awful for your little in the world can you type!!!??? I know the duration of burning you must have felt b/c Landon burned his finger on a curling iron and cried for hours! HORRIBLE!

Carrie said...

I tried commenting last week and I couldn't. Do you need a new toaster honey? That looks awful...just awful!!! Hope you are better!